The Thinkers Trove Show

Bringing Light to the Creator Economy

Simon Lancaster

Simon (world-renowned speechwriter) and I discuss his experience writing speeches for politicians and CEOs across the world and how he uses his knowledge and expertise to teach millions of others through TikTok how to not be swindled by expert rhetoric and how to improve one’s public speaking ability.

Kolder Creative

I was granted the opportunity to present on the creator economy to Sam Kolder, his team and his course members. An incredible opportunity to connect with those working their way through the industry and share the insight I have gathered throughout the years.

Justin van Zon

Justin (marketer/psychologist) and I discuss leveraging social media to grow a business in the 21st century, and how traditional marketing is no longer an effective means to raise awareness and build a community around your business or idea.

Sima Gandhi

Sima (Creative Juice Co-founder & CEO) and I discuss the future of finance in the Creator Economy and how Creator-first businesses will lead in this decade. Her organisation is backed by Creators, the likes of: MrBeast, Justin Kan, Shelby Church, Graham Stephan and more!

Josh Cappello

Josh (Cappello Media & Sydney Creatives Founder & CEO) and I speak about the trajectory of the Creator Economy and the power it has to change society on an individual and societal scale.